The Pain Truth

Welcome to The Pain Truth Program

…the hardest pain to endure is an unexplained one
Loading is a non-profit website and freely accessible to the public,

offering compassionate care for those living with persistent pain.

The aims of The Pain Truth program are to

1. Increase your understanding of pain and why it may be persisting


2. Increase your confidence in your recovery by reducing the inevitable emotional stresses related to pain


3. Get you back to leading a fulfilling life by once again doing the activities you enjoy by going through the 4 Stages of Recovery


Stage 1: Pain occupies most of life


Stage 2: Pain may not change but life has grown


Stage 3: Pain may not change but living the full desired life


Stage 4: Pain occupies an insignificant part of life

“You may think you’ll be able to enjoy things more when the pain goes away

but the irony is, when you’re able to enjoy things more, that’s when the pain goes away.”

This program may be completed with guidance from a Pain Truth Certified (PTC) healthcare or independently.


If you find this website valuable, you may choose to support us. Absolutely no pressure.

The 3 steps to begin The Pain Truth Program



Step 2: Complete the “QUESTIONNAIRES


“I wish all doctors, nurses and physical therapists would be made aware of the Pain Truth.” – M. Patel (Fibromyalgia)

“Your program and the videos helped me during a very tough time of my life. I will never be able to express in words my gratitude to you. Thank you also for making your program accessible.” – L. Paradoski (Arthritis)

“Your teachings helped me overcome persistent pain and my hypersensitive nervous system, to stay active, to start changing my beliefs and self-judgment and to incorporate mindfulness meditation in my life.” – C. Babin (Chronic low back pain)

The Law of Resistance

“Every time we focus on something, we are calling it towards us.
This means that by trying hard to avoid pain, we may regrettably be making it harder for us to stay away from it.”